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November Meeting

Published on 12/9/2019

Great Plains Woodturning Club Minutes

website: or

November 16, 2021

Sam Boon’s Shop

6815 Seward Avenue


President Mike Sawyer started the meeting at approximately 7:00 pm.


Two guests introduced themselves.  Both turned in the past and are wanting to get into it again.


Minutes from Oct 19, 2021 meeting—Secretary forgot to bring them. 


Treasurer:  Treasurer was not present


Rest of the meeting was spent discussing what kind of holiday party we should have in December.  It was decided that the Club would buy finger type food.  Two or three people were asked to organize the event.  Myron, ____?___ and ____?_____ volunteered.  It was stated to be BYOB if one wanted adult beverages.  There was also some discussion on whether we should also do an ornament exchange.  It was decided those that wanted to could and it would be among those who brought an ornament.


Spouses/significant others are invited to attend. 


Kevin will do some sort of small demonstration.  And we’ll still have a show and tell.  A few card tables will be needed. 


NOTE:  Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 14 instead of the 22nd.


The meeting ended at approximately 7:30 pm and broke for show and tell and the raffle. 

Sam Boon shared information mostly from a book titled, “Finishing” by Jeff Jewitt.  This included a lot of detail and information related the varieties and kinds of finishes.  For a really good overview of Sam’s presentation check out:  This is from Jeff Jewitt’s website.


Jim Ruppelt also shared a bit on his approach to doing finishes and some of his home made mixes consisting of tung oil, wipe on poly and mineral spirits (1/3-1/3-1/3 mix ratio).  He shared he also uses a commercial Butcher Block Conditioner. 


Another member shared they mix up 1 Cup of beeswax with 4 Cups of mineral oil for a conditioner.  They get the beeswax on Amazon.


Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45pm.