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Published On 5/17/2022
April 2022 Meeting Minutes
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Published On 2/2/2020
It had been previously announced that the Show and Tell segment of the meeting would emphasize ornamentation of turned objects. Members that brought items to show spent more time than usual describing the ornamentation they used and the process for doing such.

As part of tonight’s program, Meyer showed 3 internet videos that demonstrated ornamentation:
Nick Ferry—wire burning
Jimmy Clewes—coloring and embossing
Nick Agar—texturing using Robert Sorby tools

Our next meeting will be held February 18, 2020 with Brian Newell presenting his techniques for turning hollowforms.
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Published On 12/9/2019
Christmas Party
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Published On 12/9/2019
The evening program was presented by Sam Boon on the topic of Plates and Platters. Boon began his talk by mentioning that the piece he was about to turn was based on shape and ratio dimensions suggested by Jimmy Clewes, noted British woodturner who conducts workshops and gives demonstrations internationally. Boon provided the base/diameter ratios he uses to distinguish among plates, platters and bowls (80%, 50% and 33%, respectively). In demonstrating the use of such ratios, he was careful to mark of these measures on the bottom of the mahogany blank that was to become a platter. He then proceeded to carve out a pocket for internal chuck expansion as well as the ogee curve profile that would become the shape of the platter underside. As an aid in helping members appreciate the size, shapes and finish of the piece that he began to turn on the lathe, he had two completed platters that he passed around to members for their inspection.
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Published On 10/31/2019
Our program was presented by Lori Grueber, Community Outreach Forester with the Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department. Among the topics presented was a description of the properties of trees that city forestry personnel evaluate compared to those sought by wood turners. She listed the best woods for turning as defined by WOOD Magazine. Additional comments were made regarding tree biology and structure before talking at length about the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and steps being taken by The City to limit its impact locally and regionally through quarantines. She discussed the chemical being used for best results, its application technique, and cost—for both the chemical and its injection.
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Published On 4/29/2022
Great Plains Woodturning Club
Holiday Meeting and Social
December 15, 2021
Sam Boon’s Shop

Thanks to Myron, Sam and Rob Ott for arranging for the food and delicious deserts.

No real meeting was held. Had the show and tell, a social time and then gathered folks to watch Kevin do a demonstration of making spoons. He used a unique, home-made jig to hold four spoon blanks and then got them all rough turned at the same time. He shared some of his finished spoons during show and tell.

Next meeting January 18, 7:00 pm, Sam Boones workshop,
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Published On 1/12/2022
November 2021 meeting notes
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Published On 1/12/2022
October 2021 meeting notes
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Published On 9/27/2021
Second in person meeting since Feb.2020
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Published On 6/24/2020
Meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
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Published On 6/24/2020
The virtual ZOOM meeting was called to order by club president Tom Meyer.

Approximately 23 members “attended” the meeting. Unfortunately, not all were able to make video contact.

Several members had work to display which they either held up in front of their computer camera or had pictures that were displayed. Others told of work they had been doing related to shop improvements. These included Tom Meyer, Steve Mawson, Elmer Miller, Curt Norman, Greg Chapman, Mike Aalberg, Myron Heusinkveldt, Mark Entzminger, Galen Tuma, and Jim Ruppelt.

Our next meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2020
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Published On 6/24/2020
No meeting due to COVID-19.
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Published On 6/24/2020
No meeting due to COVID-19.
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Published On 6/24/2020
The program for the evening was presented by Brian Newell on the topic of hollow forms. As an aid, Newell used segments of two John Jordan videos to demonstrate the use of a very long and heavy turning tool as well as the importance of grain orientation. Jordan is an internationally-known turner from Nashville, TN.

Newell spoke at considerable length regarding his perspectives on grain direction and wood variety as well as the need for tools that moderate the amount of torque or leverage that is experienced by a turner when operating tools through small openings and at considerable depth. He demonstrated one of his favorite hollowing tools, one designed by Rolly Munro of Wellington, New Zealand. Munro is internationally-known for his turning expertise and tool design. At the conclusion of his program, Newell encouraged members to try his Munro hollowing tool.
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