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April 2022 Meeting Minutes

Tom Meyer | Published on 5/17/2022

Great Plains Woodturners Association Minutes

April 19, 2022


Mike Sawyer opened the meeting at 7:05 pm.


Announcement that the Rudy Lopez demonstration on Saturday, May 14, 2022 in Omaha could still be signed up for.  $20 for the demonstration includes lunch and an AM and PM break.  This will start promptly at 9am - 4pm.


There are two slots left for the hands-on with Rudy, one on Sunday, May 15 and one on Wednesday, May 18.


Visitors who identified themselves were Heath Johnson and his son Lincoln, and, Adam Walter and his daughter, Lizzy.


The Field Trip to Kevin Elgers place in Aurora is scheduled for Saturday, June 4th. Kevins address is 1208 W Hwy 34, Aurora, NE.  A list of car pool people was put together.  Will leave Pat Boons shop at 9:00 am, arrive around 11:00, and likely end when Kevin gets tired of us hanging around.  Sometime early/mid-afternoon.  


The July picnic will be on Tuesday, July 19th in Roca at Gaylon Tuma’s house. Need help planning the event for food, tables, etc.  Volunteers included Harry Heafer, Doug Nelson and Rob Ott.  Harry could bring a couple eight foot tables.  The club typically buys the main dish (ex: chicken from HyVee) and others can bring sides or other snacks.


A list of presentations for the next year was developed and includes:


May 2022 – Finials – Kevin Elge

June 2022 – Stabilizing – Bill Jurgensen

July 2022 – Picnic

August 2022 – Making Hats – Elmer Miller

September 2022 – Coring – Steve Mawson

October 2022 – SKU – Mike Aalburg

November 2022 – Embellishing – Rob Otte and Kevin Elder

December 2022 – Christmas Party

January 2023 – Segmented Turning – Mike Aalburg

February 2023 - Selling – Myron Heusinkvelt

March 2023 – Threaded Lids / Boxes – Jim Ruppelt and Mike Gullickson

April 2023 – Off Center Turning – Curt Norman

Next Meeting May 17, 2022 at Sam Boon’s shop,